The closure of universities due to COVID-19 concerns have turned a spotlight on those problems and how they contribute to educational inequality in the nation. Thankfully all economic, social and cultural activities are returning to normal. As a result, UP has very busy preparing the teaching and learning including schedule, timetables, curricula, assessment, teaching materials and staff development for this new beginning. The 2 nd May was first day of semester 2 at UP. It is the result of several months of hard work of UP, and related supporting departments.

It is an exciting day for everyone. Students and lecturers come to real classrooms. They can also practice in laboratories as it was put into the limit during the Covid pandemic. Students from year 3 to year 5 starts to do their clerkship and internship at hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, clinics and other institutions. Other extra- curricular activities such as clubs, study tour, training, workshop, volunteer work) started to run normally. We have seen each other physically on campus. The first day at on campus is fantastic.