How to enhance and protect wealth with Feng Shui in 2022, the year of the Tiger

17th May 2022

With so much financial uncertainty at the moment, it seems that money is a common topic with people from all walks of life. The cost of food, drink, fuel, electricity, building supplies and nearly everything else has gone up lately and for most of us, it may feel like our money is not going as far as it usually does. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of the world has had to make cutbacks this year and if you are a long term reader of my articles, you will know that although this is a shop website, we always recommend a good balance of cures and enhancers available on our website along with alternative cures that you may already have around your home ranging from a throw or ornament.

2022 is proving to be a challenging year for all so I have written an article with the best advice I can give on how to use Feng Shui to both protect existing wealth and also invite new wealth into your life during 2022, the year of the Tiger. I have tried to write this article with advice to suit all budgets as I appreciate that not everyone can afford to purchase a large geode to place where the annual #8 star is located (northeast in 2022 if you already have a geode in your home) although if your budget allows it, a Chongyi Changnian Master Cure will work extremely well here and if not, you can introduce a terracotta pot (no plants inside) or candles in the northeast in 2022 to enhance the annual #8 wealth star.

Having a good balance with Feng Shui does not mean that you will become a millionaire overnight

A lot of people message in saying that they followed our advice for the Flying stars and have still not had major financial growth in the first few weeks and my advice is always this – Yes, Feng Shui has the ability to bring great wealth enhancement although this is not always converted into a lottery win or a huge inheritance; a lot of financial luck will usually come from a promotion at work, a new client, money being saved on a bill or even getting a better price on an eBay purchase. Financial luck in Feng Shui should be seen as an investment into the future and not just a get rich quick scheme; if this were the case, all Feng Shui masters would be retired after the first few years, living in a mansion!

How do the different Flying stars affect wealth?

With Flying star Feng Shui, we have auspicious and inauspicious Flying stars which will all influence different areas of our life and it is equally important to weaken the inauspicious stars that can weaken wealth luck in 2022 as it is to enhance the auspicious wealth stars.