Everything you need to know about Feng Shui period 9 Xuan Kong Flying star

17th May 2022

It does not seem that long ago that I first started preparing for period 8 back in 2002. I remember sitting on a beach in Ko Samui, Thailand thinking about what this new lower cycle period 8 will bring to the world and here I am again twenty years later (almost to the day) thinking the exact same thoughts and what period 9 will bring us?

What is even scarier is that when period 1 starts in 2044, I will be 86 years old, and even with my vast knowledge of Feng Shui, I would not like to bet on how the world will be then as period 9 is going to bring some dramatic changes to our world, both good and bad!

In traditional Feng Shui, the most potent school is known as Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Star School), and you are probably aware that period 8 ends on the 4th of February 2024 and the same day, Period 9 begins. After 20 years, on the 4th of February 2044, we will enter period 1.

I am sure this article will encourage the usual emails from other Feng Shui masters and consultants telling us we are giving too much free valuable information to the public, but as there is already so much misinformation on period 9, I want to set the record straight as you cannot afford to make mistakes in this critical period 9.

As you go through this article, you will find that there is an enormous amount of information on this page which will be added to regularly. I’ve broken each area down into topics and you can jump straight to these by clicking the links below.

What are the characteristics of the Period 9 purple fire star?

The colour purple and the middle daughter are both associated with the #9 Li Trigram fire star. It is also related to the heart, intestine, eyes, tongue, mouth, jaw, lungs, or any organ around the chest area.

The attributes of the #9 Li fire star are its qi energy is like a whirlwind spinning upward and outward with a glow of energy inside that radiates in all directions.

Within the five-element Wu Xing system 五行, the element of fire relates to passion, enthusiasm, sophistication, sociability, courage, and passion. People, particularly middle-aged females, maybe concerned more about their social status and social media, in my opinion, could be a problem for younger females as they could be more concerned about how they look, although generally, I think people will become more accepting of body shapes and looks but this will not happen until after the first quarter of P9 around 2027-2029 in my opinion.

Females will have a more significant influence in all aspects of society, and I expect to see women in very high positions worldwide. This time has been long-awaited for many countries.